Sunday, 8 November 2009

Parramatta. Redevelopment of parking stations

Parramatta City Council has prepared a masterplan for the redevelopment of the Horwood Place multi-storey car park station (780 spaces), and one is planned for the Erby Place station (559 spaces), with an aim of relocating long-stay parking to the periphery of the city centre. Council’s proposed long-term strategy is to have existing multi-storey stations at Wentworth (1163 spaces) and Hunter (550 spaces) streets (in the south and west precincts of the city centre) and new ones at Fennel and Macquarie streets (in the north and east precincts). The privately-owned Westfield car park contains 4650 spaces. Park & Ride options are being considered to reduce the need for city-centre parking. The public exhibition of the Integrated Transport Plan, for Parramatta City Centre, is on display until December 1.


Region.UWS academic appointments

The University of Western Sydney has advertised for professors, associate professors and senior and junior lecturers, in three schools, namely, marketing, management and economics and finance, which teach programs at its Parramatta and Campbelltown campuses “thanks to continued exceptional growth”.


Liverpool. Defence unit to relocate

A Defence Force spokeswoman has confirmed that the army's School of Military Engineering at Moorebank is move to Pukapunyal, Victoria, this year, to make way for an intermodal freight terminal but that plans were still being worked out. “Development of an intermodal freight terminal at Moorebank will require defence units, primarily the School of Military Engineering, to relocate to other sites,'' she said.


Region. WSROC seeks executive director

The Western Sydney Regional Organisation of Councils (WSROC), is seeking an executive director, of the Blacktown-based lobby group, comprising 11 local government authorities in Western Sydney. The current executive director, Terry McCormack, is servicing in an interim capacity. The negotiable remuneration package is around a total of $147,500.


Region. Call to curb population growth

Scientists working for the water strategy group, WISER, have called upon the State Government to consider curbing population growth in Western Sydney because there will not be enough water to sustain agriculture, recreation and environmental flows in the region. A spokeswoman for the NSW Water Minister, Phil Costa, disputed the scientists’ findings, according to The Sydney Morning Herald.


Penrith. Doctors protest 'super clinics'

More than 100 general practitioners from across NSW will converge on Penrith, on Monday, Nov 7, to protest against a Federal Government plan to merge health services into GP “super clinics”. Headed by Mulgoa GP, Adrian Sheen, doctors will down stethoscopes to voice their opposition to the plan, which they say will wipe out the family doctor and force patients into large, impersonal clinics, the Penrith Press reported..
