Wednesday, 28 July 2010

Parramatta. Proposal for 14-storey office block

Webb Property Investment Pty Ltd has applied for the demolition of the existing buildings, at 89 George Street, in the Parramatta CBD, and for the construction of a 14-storey commercial building with ground floor café, 12 levels of office s pace and four levels of basement car parking. The site, with a frontage of 18.3 metres and an area of 1353 square metres, is currently occupied by Better Brakes and Lindus Dry Cleaning. The Department of Planning has the application on public exhibition until August 27.

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Parramatta. Bans on smoking and vehicles

The controversial smoking issue in alfreco cafes and restaurants is nearing its end with a resolution at a Parramatta City Council meeting to implement an anti-smoking ban in all outdoor dining areas on council-owned land (eg footpaths). The ban will take effect from January 1, 2011. Also, council will consider banning vehicles, in Church Street, between Phillip and Market streets – Parramata’s major dining precinct – on Friday and Saturday nights, possibly by December.


Rosehill. Concerts at the racecourse

The Sydney Turf Club will be able to broaden its events business at Rosehill Gardens Racecourse, thanks to a $24 million injection of state government funds for improvements to the Fleming grandstand, the construction of pedestrian bridges, a new main entrance building, an infield screen and a concert stage. The STC has Parramatta City Council approval to hold concerts for up to 12,000 people, according to the Parramatta Advertiser.


Eastern Creek. $31 million proposal

The Department of Planning has on public exhibition an application by Rylehall Pty Ltd, at Rhodes, for the construction of a $31 million Kmart warehouse and distribution facility, off Wonderland Drive, at Eastern Creek. The project could employ some 220 workers.
