Monday, 14 March 2011

Liverpool. One of the best in NSW

For the second year running, Liverpool City Council has outstripped other councils in NSW by achieving one of the lowest average development-application processing times in the Sydney metropolitan area. Council took an average of 46 days to deal with a DA, compared to the statewide average of 67 days during the last financial year. The figures in a Department of Planning report, Local Development Performance Monitoring 2009-2010, also showed Liverpool City Council determined almost 1400 development applications in the 2009/2010 financial year, with an estimated value of $299.8 million.


Liverpool. New chairman of health network

The new chairman of the South Western Sydney Local Health Network, Professor Phillip Harris, says Liverpool Hospital is one of the best he has seen in the world. "There's now an opportunity to turn Liverpool Hospital into the highest-level teaching facility in NSW and the world,” he said. Professor Harris was the head of cardiology at Royal Prince Alfred Hospital and the clinical co-director of the cardiovascular service in the Sydney South West Area Health Service.
