Monday, 22 February 2010

Region. MBAs popular with females

Associate Professor Robyn McGuiggan, dean, of the College of Business, at the University of Western Sydney. Said the growth in female participants in MBA courses could be due to the economic environment. “The growth in postgraduate [study] generally is quite strong, with people shoring up their competitiveness in the marketplace, and maybe females feel a little more vulnerable in the economic climate,” she said in The Australian Financial Review. She also said the school had developed a flexible program, delivered over four teaching quarters, which made it easier for women to study.


Smithfield. Scepticism over PBL project

An environmental plan lodged with the Department of Planning by PBL Media for a printing and distribution facility, at Smithfield, has not silenced scepticism about its suitability, according to The Australian Financial Review. Media executives said the site was too small for PBL’s ACP Magazines facility. Documents said it would cost $15 million to alter the existing building on the site, which is owned by the Goodman Group, and plant equipment would cost between $135 and $200 million. Also noted was that PBL was negotiating with the owner of another industrial property in an unnamed location.


Region. Harder to access jobs in economic arc

Urban planner Garry Glazebrook said the state government’s new transport plan was severely limited because it did not fill the ''missing link'' with a rail connection between Parramatta and Epping, making it harder for residents of Western Sydney who would not have a direct connection to the booming job centres in the ''global economic arc'' between North Ryde and North Sydney.


Region. Millions to be handed back

Although Premier Kristina Keneally dumped the metro plans, but would retain the metro corridors, the state government will have to hand back $85 million of the $91 million the federal government provided for a feasibility study for the West Metro between Central and Westmead. A $4.5 billion Western Sydney City Rail express service would replace it but construction would not commence until 2015. No one in the government could say when it would be completed. Elsewhere, the north-west rail link between Epping and Rouse Hill would not begin until 2017, with a completion date of 2024. The south-west rail link has been revived. But the ''missing link'' rail connection between Parramatta and Epping is still missing

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Parramatta. Parking spaces for bar area

Rydges Hotel, at Rosehill, has lodged a DA with Parramatta City Council for the use of 37 car parking spaces for an extended bar area to cater for 2000 patrons during major STC Race Days at Rosehill Gardens Racecourse, eg Golden Slipper, Ladies Day and Girls Day Out The proposed hours of operation for this area is 12:00 midday to 9:00pm.


Region. Express rail service to Sydney CBD

The Premier’s Plan – the Metropolitan Transport Plan: Connecting the City of Cities – includes: the $4.5 billion Western Express CityRail Service – a separate dedicated rail track to slash travelling times from the region to the city, achieving faster and more frequent services, with a goal of up to 50 per cent more services and 17 per cent more passengers on the CityRail network, on an average weekday. Also, a five-kilometre tunnel from Eveleigh, near Redfern, to Wynyard, would allow the express services a faster run in to the city. Travelling time improvement to Wynard: Springwood 17 minutes, Richmond 15 minutes, Penrith 9 minutes and Parramatta 6 minutes The express service would not begin construction until 2015. No one in the government could say when it would be completed.
