Penrith. Proposed agreement on funding
Owners of land in Glemore Park have made an offer to enter into a planning agreement with the Minister for Planning in connection with the Penrith Local Environmental Plan (Glenmore Park Stage 2) 2009 (LEP) to ensure that satisfactory arrangements have been made for the provision of state public infrastructure to serve proposed development at Glenmore Park. Included in the agreement is a contribution of $22,5 million to be used by the RTA to construct and maintain roads on and adjacent to the land, including the installation of traffic signals, upgrading existing roads and intersections and associated road works. Parties to the proposed agreement are the Minister for Planning, Lensworth Glenmore Park Limited, Mulpha FKP Pty Limited trading as Norwest Land, Holicombe Pty Limited, Sergio and Assunta Vianello and Mint Holdings Pty Ltd. Notice of the agreement is on public exhibition until July 28
Labels: Glenmore Park