Tuesday, 27 April 2010

Parramatta. Civic Place DAs expected in 2010

The feasibility analysis of the $400 million first stage of the $1,4 billion Civic Place redevelopment project is currently being finalised, with planning applications expected to be lodged during 2010. Construction is expected to commence in 2011/12 and be completed in 2013/14. The project will be staged over an estimated 10-year period and will include over 170,000 square metres of of commercial, retail, residential and civic space, as well as over 6000 square metres of high quality public domain, according to Parramatta City Council’s 2010-2014 draft delivery program, currently on public exhibition. It is understood that council’s new administration block, library, art gallery and council chambers, on the corner of Smith and Macquarie streets, adjacent to Sydney Water’s head office, will be included in the first stage


Parramatta. Application for special rates

Parramatta City Council will apply to the Department of Local Government for the continuation of the special rates levy aimed to deliver infrastructure and promote the city as an attractive destination for business, workers, visitors and residents. Special rates currently cover CBD Infrastructure Enhancement Program, $1.7 million; Economic Development (ED) program,$600,000; and Suburban Infrastructure Improvement Program, $100,000, totalling $2.4 million annually. Money for the CBD and ED programs comes from business properties which benefit from the programs. CBD residential properties contribute to the CBD program. Funds for the suburban infrastructure program is raised from residential and business properties outside the CBD.


Parramatta. Tourism and technology projects

Parramatta City Council aims to boost tourism's net economic contribution to the local economy with the establishment of a tourism secretariat and the appointment of a tourism development officer, subject to the Department of Local Government agreeing to the continuation a special rate for the economic development of the city Included in the proposed budget of $724,000 is $90,000 to investigate options to transform the Rydalmere precinct into a technology and knowledge centre and $84,000 for the appointment of an economic development officer. Council says the direct and indirect contribution of tourism to the city's economy is in the order of $830 million
